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IR Joins CenturyLink Marketplace Provider Program

IR Team

Written by IR Team

Prognosis HeartBeat™ and StressTest™ Communications Experience Management Solutions Now Available to CenturyLink’s Cloud, Hosting and Network Customers

DENVER, January 16, 2018 – IR, the leading global provider of communications experience management solutions for unified communications (UC) and contact centers, today announced its participation in the CenturyLink Marketplace Provider Program. Through the program, CenturyLink customers now have access to Prognosis HeartBeat and Prognosis StressTest, IR’s experience testing services.

CenturyLink’s Marketplace Provider Program allows participating technology companies to integrate their solutions with the CenturyLink Cloud delivery platform, which offers self-service, on-demand provisioning of various third-party services to complement cloud-hosted workloads. Through CenturyLink Cloud, organizations gain access to secure enterprise cloud infrastructure and management tools on a single platform.

IR’s cloud-delivered experience testing services proactively assess communications experience from the outside-in. This enables organizations to ensure that critical communications services are available and delivering the best possible experience to their customers and employees. Prognosis HeartBeat uses active testing to ensure the availability, functionality and performance of a UC or contact center system from end-to-end, while Prognosis StressTest verifies that they work as expected under varying levels of traffic.

“Managing user experience and proactively measuring service levels are critical capabilities when organizations move their UC or contact center environments to the cloud,” said David Shacochis, vice president of product management, CenturyLink. “IR’s offering provides our customers an additional level of assurance for these communications-oriented use cases, so they can be confident about maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction during all periods of peak usage.”

“Customer and user experience testing is a crucial component to manage any UC or contact center environment. Organizations need to know that these complex systems scale as intended prior to release, and are stable and available during peak traffic conditions or everyday use,” said Andre Cuenin, President of the Americas and Europe at IR. “The CenturyLink Marketplace and its self-service, on-demand provisioning of provider services give us the ability to extend our testing solutions to a broader audience, while providing enterprises easy access to our solutions on a flexible platform.”

IR’s experience testing services are now available on the CenturyLink Cloud Marketplace and via CenturyLink representatives.

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