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BT Welcomes IR to Adastral Park

IR Team

Written by IR Team

IR joins Innovation Martlesham, one of the world's leading tech hubs.

London, October 30th, 2018 – IR, the leading global provider of experience management solutions for unified communications (UC) and contact centers, is delighted to join Innovation Martlesham located at Adastral Park in the UK, one of the world’s famous telecoms and computing addresses. Innovation Martlesham is a ‘collaborative ecosystem’ created by a cluster of 100 high-tech IT company’s. Plus BT customers are now able to see IR Prognosis in action in the onsite showcase. 

Another step forward in the BT and IR partnership.

With a strategic partnership that spans more than 12 years, IR Prognosis also known as One Cloud Monitoring now helps manage over 600,000 seats across on premises, hybrid and cloud deployments. This provides BT customers with a real-time dashboard view over multi-vendor technologies including Unified Communications, Contact Centre and Call Recording Assurance, simplifying troubleshooting with granular call quality data and providing early alerting to ensure an end to end customer experience. 

With regular events, networking and mentoring, in addition to the business showcase opportunities, Adastral Park and Innovation Martlesham is a great location for organisations to see some of the fantastic work BT and IR are collaborating on. For more information, or to arrange a visit with one of IR’s dedicated BT Team, please reach out on the contact details below.

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