Webinars • Mar 31, 2021 • 30 MIN PLAY • ON-DEMAND

Microsoft Teams Direct Routing: Getting the most from your Teams deployment

Travis Polland
Travis Polland

Senior Product Manager - IR Collaborate

Stuart Matthewman
Stuart Matthewman

Global Head of Marketing Communications


When moving to Microsoft Teams, organisations have choices on how to handle their voice traffic. Take up a Microsoft Calling Plan or utilise Direct Routing. This session will discuss the pros and cons of Direct Routing and why it can be a good option for organisations making the switch to MS Teams.

Travis Polland, Senior Product Manager at IR responsible for Microsoft solutions will discuss:

  • How Direct Routing can reduce complexity in your collaboration environment

  • Why its important to leverage existing investments in legacy equipment

  • How to streamline and improve the conferencing experience

  • How organizations can better manage telecom costs through Direct Routing

And, more importantly, how do you make sure it all comes together and works seamlessly to provide a great end-user experience.


IR | BrightTALK

Topics: Webinar Migration, deployment and adoption Microsoft Teams Collaborate

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