Communications & Troubleshooting Solutions Blog | IR

Time is Money: The High Price of Inefficient Meeting Room Tech | IR

Written by Tony Smith – Account Executive, Collaborate | Oct 17, 2023 2:00:00 PM

In a world where time is money, inefficient meetings can be costly. We've all been there: the meeting room door closes, and everyone gathers around the table, only to find that the technology meant to facilitate the discussion is anything but cooperative. The minutes tick away as participants struggle to connect, share screens, or even hear each other clearly. But have you ever stopped to consider just how much time and money are wasted in these moments of technological frustration?

The countdown to inefficiency

On average, it takes about 10 minutes for a meeting to truly kick off. This is the period where participants fumble with cables, wrestle with video conferencing software, or grapple with glitchy audio. This initial delay might not seem like much, but when you multiply it by the number of meetings held each day in organisations around the world, the cumulative effect becomes staggering.

This loss of precious time can add up to a significant financial burden for businesses. When meetings start late due to technology hiccups, they also tend to run over their allotted time, further eating into productivity.

The cost of lost time

Let's break down the numbers to get a better understanding of the financial impact. Imagine a typical meeting attended by 10 employees, all of whom are paid an average salary of £40,000 per year. If the meeting starts 10 minutes late due to tech troubles, that's a collective 100 minutes wasted. In salary terms, this equates to approximately £110 for just one meeting.

Now, consider how many meetings your organisation holds each day. If it's just five, the daily cost of lost time due to inefficient tech adds up to £550. Over a month, that's £11,000, and over a year, a whopping £132,000! This is money that could be better spent on productive endeavours or invested in improving technology infrastructure.

Productivity and user experience

But the cost isn't just monetary; it's also reflected in decreased productivity and a diminished user experience. When employees repeatedly encounter technology issues, they become frustrated and disengaged. This frustration can spill over into the rest of their workday, affecting overall morale and output.

Moreover, poor technology experiences can deter potential clients or partners. If a client joins a meeting to discuss a critical deal and encounters technical difficulties, they may question the reliability and competence of your organization, potentially leading to lost business opportunities.

The hidden costs of ineffectiveness

While the immediate cost of wasted time in meetings due to technology problems is clear, there are several hidden costs to consider as well:

  • Employee Burnout: Continual frustration with technology can lead to employee burnout and a high turnover rate, further increasing recruitment and training costs.
  • Missed Opportunities: Meetings are often where innovation and collaboration happen. Ineffective tech can stifle these opportunities, hindering long-term growth.
  • Reputation Damage: A reputation for unreliable technology can harm your brand and make it challenging to attract top talent or clients.
  • Competitive Disadvantage: In a fast-paced business world, falling behind due to tech issues can result in a competitive disadvantage.

Solving the problem

So, what can organisations do to address this issue? The first step is recognizing the problem and quantifying its impact, as discussed here. Beyond that, consider these proactive measures:

  • Invest in reliable technology. Ensure that your communication and collaboration tools are up to date and user-friendly.
  • Training and support. Provide employees with proper training and technical support to minimise disruptions.
  • Pre-meeting tech checks. Encourage participants to log in early and perform tech checks before the meeting begins.
  • Agenda and time management. Keep meetings concise and well-structured to minimize the potential for overruns.
  • Regular technology audits. Periodically evaluate and upgrade your technology infrastructure to stay ahead of issues.

The cost of wasted time in meetings due to ineffective communications technology is a significant but often underestimated drain on organisational resources. By quantifying this cost and taking proactive steps to address it, businesses can save money, boost productivity, and ensure a more positive user experience.

IR’s Collaboration Space Management enables proactive monitoring and remote management of all conferencing-enabled collaboration spaces from a single solution, including the collaboration platforms and devices, to create a seamless, cohesive collaboration experience for users. In a world where time is indeed money, optimising technology is a valuable investment in the future success of any organisation.